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Customizing feed bot messages & using Mentions

A guide by Readybot.io

💎 Premium Feature: customizing message formatting & mentioning users requires the Membership monthly plan or higher.

To change the text used in Discord messages and mention users on new feed items enable the Customize the format of messages option.

Editing message components

Custom message formatting allows changing the following parts of the message:


1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
2 Lorem L. Ipsum, poet
4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas id faucibus ipsum, quis interdum nunc. Nulla rhoncus neque mauris, ac facilisis nibh eleifend in. In sagittis urna quis velit volutpat, sed facilisis purus finibus. Aenean non sodales dui. Sed velit orci, consequat sit amet felis dignissim, dictum suscipit quam.
# Component Description
1 Main text The main text of the message. Markdown formatting is allowed. Defaults to the title of the feed item in bold.
2 Entry author The author of the embedded link. May be left blank to omit this row. Defaults to the author from the feed item, if any.
3 Entry title The title of the embedded link. Defaults to the title from the feed item.
4 Entry description The description of the embedded link. May be left blank to omit this row. Defaults to the description from the feed item.
5 Entry footer The footer of the embedded link. May be left blank to omit this part. Defaults to "Powered by Readybot.io".
💎 Premium Membership required: customizing the footer requires the Premium Membership.

Using feed variables

To describe the feed item in message formatting the following variables are provided:

Variable Description
{{title}} The title of the feed item.
{{description}} The description of the feed item.
{{author}} The author of the feed item, if any.
{{authorImageUrl}} The author image URL the feed item, if any.
{{url}} The URL of the feed item.
{{feedUrl}} The URL of the feed itself.
{{feedTitle}} The title of the feed itself.

Feed variables correspond to the contents of the feed being used. Readybot.io has no control over the given formatting of third party feeds.

Mentioning users & roles

To mention a user or role their internal Discord identifier is required. To copy the user or role identifier, see How to find a user or role ID in a Discord server.

  • Mentioning a user: use the syntax <@USER_ID>, replacing "USER_ID" with the user's numeric identifier. For example, to mention the user 987654321 enter <@987654321> in the message text.
  • Mentioning a role: use the syntax <@&ROLE_ID>, replacing "ROLE_ID" with the role's numeric identifier. For example, to mention the role 123457689 enter <@&123456789> in the message text.
  • Mentioning everyone: simply enter @everyone.

For mentions to fire ensure that the Readybot.io role has the necessary permissions to mention users in the Discord server.


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